Philodendron Cream Splash - Grown From Mother Plant A - 3" Pot
Philodendron Cream Splash - Grown From Mother Plant A - 3" Pot
Philodendron Cream Splash - Grown From Mother Plant A - 3" Pot
Philodendron Cream Splash - Grown From Mother Plant A - 3" Pot

Philodendron Cream Splash - Grown From Mother Plant A - 3" Pot

Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Cream Splash’ is very vine-like with heart shaped leaves and a unique white, silver, and cream variegation. Variegation on each leaf will vary and can carry similar characteristics to the Silver Stripe, Gabby, and Rio. This is a very easy plant to grow, yet tends to be a slower grower than other P. Hederaceum. 


Philodendron Care Tips

Light Level: Bright Indirect

Humidity: Medium to High

Water: Allow the top two inches of soil to dry between waterings.

Medium: Well draining soil.





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Based on 1 review

So delicate, beautiful, gorgeous