Philodendron sp. Columbia - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron sp. Columbia - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot
Philodendron sp. Columbia - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot

Philodendron sp. Columbia - Rare Aroid - 4" Pot

Philodendron sp. Columbia are highly sought-after for their large ruffled foliage and their ability to to grow large picture perfect leaves. New leaves emerge a deep green and slowly mature into a ruffled pillow. They can be planted into a hanging basket to spill over and cascade or potted with a trellis or totem and left to climb.


please note that depending on where the plants are in their growth you may have more or less mature growth than pictured. You will have an established plant regardless of leaf maturity. 


Philodendron Care Tips

Light Level: Bright Indirect

Humidity: Medium to High

Water: Allow the top two inches of soil to dry between waterings.

Medium: Well draining, chunky soil.



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