Zig Zag Cactus - Epiphyllum Anguliger - 4" Pot
Aglaonema 'Osaka' - 6" Pot
Hoya Macrophylla "Outer Variegated" - 4.5" Hanging Basket
Maranta Leuconeura 'Silver Band'- Silver Band Prayer Plant - 6” Pot
Anthurium Magnifucm x Ace of Spades - 4" Pot
Variegated String of Hearts - Ceropegia Woodii 'Variegated' - 4" Pot
Hoya Endauensis - 4" Pot
Physique Planter
Ebony Planter
Hoya Pachyclada - 3" Pot
Dieffenbachia Panther - 4" Pot
Hoya Rosita - Sunstressed - Rare Hoya - 3" Pot
Aglaonema Firecracker - 6" Pot
Rhaphidophora Hayii - Shingle Plant - 4" Pot
Hoya sp. aff Burtoniae - 2" Pot
Desert Rose - Adenium Obesum - 4" Pot
Anthurium Pure Papi (Papillilaminum) - 4" Pot
Silver Princess Sansevieria - 4" Pot
Magic Mushroom Planter - Cottagecore Decor - Available in Multiple Sizes
Starfish Plant - Sansevieria Boncel - Very Large - 6" Pot
Hoya Villosa sp. Cao Bang - Rare Collector Hoya - 4" Pot
Shell Planter
Hoya Macrophylla 'Outer Variegated' - 6" Hanging Basket
Japandi Pot - Japanese Minimalist Decor - 4" Pot
Dieffenbachia Starbright - 6" Pot
Anthurium Veitchii King - Rare Aroid - 6" Pot
Chinese Ming Stump - Aralia Ming - 4" Pot
Hoya Nummularioides - Vanilla Scented Hoya - 4" Pot
Dieffenbachia Memoria Corsii - 4" Pot
Sydney Pot in Coral - 5" Planter
Sansevieria 'Moonshine' - 6" Pot
Hoya Jade - 2" Pot
Hoya Fungii - 3” Pot
Hoya Fungii - 4" Pot
Topless Planter
Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor - 4" Pot
Homalomena Wallisii ‘Mauro’ - Very Large - 6” Pot
Ducky Planter - 3" Planter
Philodendron Subhastatum - Rare Aroid - 6" Pot
Peperomia Costa Rica - Heart Shaped Watermelon - 4" Pot
Alocasia Ivory Coast - Jewel Alocasia - 4" Pot
Hoya Merrillii - 2" Pot
Hoya sp. aff Burtoniae - 4" Pot
String of Hearts - Ceropegia Woodii - 3+ Feet Vines - 6" Hanging Basket
Hoya Fungii - 2” Pot
Arch Planter - Planter with Watering Saucer - Fits 4" Plants
Dalmation Pot - 4.5" Planter
Papyrus Pot - Planter with Watering Saucer - Fits 4" Plants